At this time every year I make up a big batch of chutney for the long winter ahead. I usually let the last few courgettes grow on into marrows for the purpose along with whatever green tomatoes that look like they wont ripen. It's always a bit different each year depending on what is available. It is safe to say though that marrows, green tomatoes, onions, cooking apples (courtesy of my mum's friend!), sugar, spices and my own cider vinegar( a batch of cider went tits up on me last year and the result was 5 gallons of cider vinegar)
You basically chop everything up and lash it into a big saucepan and cook it slowly for 2 or 3 hours making sure not to allow it to burn by stirring every so often. Pot it up then into sterilised jars and it will keep for months. It improves with keeping for a few weeks I reckon.
We eat it for lunch with cheese and all sorts of cold meats and pate/terrines.
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