Kentucky Fried Bunny

We had a pal over the other night for tea and I decided to try Kentucky Fried Bunny on here. I was a bit dubious as she is not renowned as the most adventurous eater (Sorry Yvonne!!). She surprised me mind you and between us we polished off the bunny no problems.

The problem sometimes with rabbit is that it can be a bit tough so in order to combat that I cooked it in the oven at 180 C for about an hour with some onions, rosemary and covered with oil.

I then simply coated the pieces in flour and rolled them in egg before giving them a final coating of bread crumbs spiked with cayenne pepper, salt and pepper. Then deep fat fry them for 3 or 4 minutes until browned.

I served them up with a garlic mayo!


  1. Mmm... Sounds gorgeous! I've never tried rabbit but always see them in the butcher and wondered how to cook it. Thanks for the follow on Twitter by the way!


  2. Hey Tom, Try it out much healthier than chicken. Had bunny burgers for tea last night
